Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ok, so I have been a bit lazy, since school has ended. In the process of moving, inorder to do my college placement, which is working for a Wildlife rehabilitation Center. Woot woot, can't wait.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well,I think I know what I want to do after grad...well i pretty much knew, even before I started college. I want to be a Fish and Wildlife Officer, specifically with Alberta Fish and Wildlife Department. While you conduct enforcement, the two other emphasis are prevention and education. I believe that when educating the public on wildlife issues is important when dealing with human/wildlife conflict. By educating people on humane, healthy alternatives, education aids in people opening up their minds and implement those alternatives. (people mistreat, what they don't understand/fear) education is key for prevention.

Three values to stand behind and pursue I feel.

(another aspect of wildlife conservation,that I am interested is wetland conservation)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

1 year down, 1 year to go...

Well I just completed my first year in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Technician program. One more year to go. I wrote my last exam yesterday...and had cold beers waiting in the fridge for me, when I got home lol. And yes they were goood. Tonight I am going on a 'Owl Prowl' with my Ornithology professor and some of my classmates. Should be interesting and hopefully we will be able to hear some owls. last I heard the route we are going, a guy went last week and heard 29 owl calls. So I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Pretty soon I will be off doing my co op placement for the summer. Working in a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Can't wait.

More on the Surpeme Court ruling is more on the Surpeme Court ruling. This whole article makes me so angry!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I have to say that I can't stop thinking of the decision of the Supreme Court not banning dogfighting and crushing videos, amoung other acts. And even went as far as calling it 'Freedom of speech'. I am speechless and can't just sit back and shrug my shoulders and think well that's that. There as to be a way ( i mean i know they are rewriting) but there has to be a way, were we can raise awarness, and help in getting this law passed. Since working in the animalprotection field, I have to say that I have lost my respect for humanity. This shenanigan reinstates that. Going to have to talk to people, start doing some networking here.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Love-dart slug and lungless frog: new species found!

Very interesting read!!

Support Wildlife Conservation. Every species as it's purpose on this Earth. Extinction is forever.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sad day indeed

Well, I have to say that I am ashamed of being a Human Being today. We supposively are the most intelligent species, the most compassionate...yet still feel the need to exploite and disrepect other species and think it is OK to to do so. To entertain us. To say that they have no value, then kick you in the teeth and call it "Freedom of Speech". Animal Cruelty is now officially a joke. Thanks Supreme Court!!

This just shows were we stand in toughning our animal cruelty laws, and how we precieve the issue and how far we are at breaking down that barrier.